There is a lot of stigma surrounding the erotic sex industry, and I think that this stigma can make it hard to know what is acceptable and what is not. If you spend any time chatting online with erotic sex workers, you will quickly learn what is and is not acceptable to say. However, there are still a few questions that erotic sex workers are asked that they are tired of hearing over and over again. You probably know by heart some of the questions asked of sex workers, but there are others that you don’t get the chance to ask. And these questions are asked often! Here on the Erotic Sex blog, we look at five of the questions that erotic sex workers are tired of hearing so you can see which ones you should be better off avoiding and why you may be turning their eyes to the sky and putting them down.

How much does it cost?

 Erotic sex directories are a great place to advertise erotic prostitutes. They can have all their information in one place, making finding what you are looking for much easier. Before, erotic sex ads were limited to magazines or newspapers, and because the space was limited, you could not have all the information you wanted or needed. That is no longer the case! You can see everything in your profile, including the value of your time and company. Of course, that doesn’t stop people from just looking at the photos and making a call. Are constantly asked how much their time and company will cost their clients. Most of the time, customers don’t read the profiles. If you are one of these customers, you may notice that the assistants seem slightly displeased by this question. After all, if you haven’t read the profile and checked the rates, what else have you missed? The profile information is there for a reason, so take a look before making any calls. This will save you from asking questions that erotic sex workers hear all the time.

How many partners do you have?

This is the kind of question you often hear from your friends. You want to know if your number is higher or lower than your friends. This number seems to change the way people think about you. If your number is “too low,” then you are seen as discreet when it comes to sex. “Too high and you have a lot of love to give. So, for some reason, people think this is an acceptable question to ask erotic sex workers. We’re not sure why, but are you thinking about asking? Don’t.

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wiliam mary
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wiliam mary

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