Regardless of what people may say, being attracted to your partner is just as important as being in love and having those feelings for them. Casual relationship chemistry is essential in a romantic relationship, but if you don’t know how to create it, stick with us and keep reading to discover the secrets of casual relationships. Here are five helpful tips on bringing chemistry back into casual relationships, so check it out and enjoy!

Imagine that it’s tough to get

The first way, and one of the best ways, to create chemistry with your partner is to imagine that it’s hard to get because the power of a perceived obstacle can be more powerful than you think. If you’re why, you should check out a formula invented by a famous dating therapist, who goes like this: it stands for attraction, perceived inhibition, and E for excitement, so if you really like this guy and he’s just too kind, you should imagine something coming between you. You can always tell when he is going on a business trip or with his friends, so you know you can’t be with him then. Everyone understands that people always want just what they can’t have, which will undoubtedly ruin your casual sex life and lead to some crazy casual sex later on.

Remove all barriers when it comes to casual sex

In case you didn’t know, nothing can stop you from desiring casual sex more than dealing with an unresolved casual sex block that is likely holding you back. Don’t keep any more casual sex secrets than you need to because revealing casual sex secrets will only help build trust and connection. This often happens when people have some traumatic casual sex experience, increased performance pressure, or when they grow up in a family or community where casual sex is seen as dirty and immoral. Of course, you can’t have a high libido with unresolved blocks to casual sex, so you need to do your best to address whatever is bothering you. Working with a therapist who specializes in casual sex is a good first step, and even your partner can help if you trust them enough to share your fears with them.

Make Your Fantasies Work on Your

Today, many women date good men, but they are turned on by the wrong ones, which is undoubtedly one of the most common casual sex fantasies among women all over the world. Needless to say, mental attraction is sometimes what matters more than physical attraction, but your fantasies are your thing, so do your best to make them work on yourself.


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wiliam mary
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wiliam mary

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