Ignorance and disrespect for transgender issues are rampant outside of the community, so women need to support their transgender brothers in this regard. Whether you have close friends who are transgender or want to help us as a collective, there is a lot you can do to be an ally.
The suggestions in this article are a good start, but nothing is better than talking to transgender people in your community and asking them what they want from you. Pay attention to what we stand for, get to know us, follow us on social media, and follow our example.
Use transgender language when talking about female escorts
When approaching other female escorts in group chats, events, etc., use gender-neutral language. Women who have sex as female escorts may mean it’s fun and casual when they greet everyone with “Hi, women,” but non-binary people and men in the group may feel forgotten or disrespected. men and non-binary people make up a significant portion of female escorts and, on average, are more hurt by this type of sex than men who are female escorts. Similarly, men who are in a group of female escorts that is seemingly composed mainly of women should not assume or make statements that they are the only men there.
Not only should you avoid making assumptions about the gender of other female escorts, but you should also avoid generalizing experiences regarding body parts. Even if a woman finds herself in a room with all other female escorts, she cannot assume that everyone will understand her period issues. people and escorts can feel very isolated because of their body parts, which are not always obvious. Replace assumptions with statements that share personal experiences. Ask others if they feel the same way you do.
You can also go a step further and emphasize that transsexual people are welcome in your space. Learn about transgender people so you can mention them when talking about the history of our profession, and share statistics about transgender people that you can use when highlighting the transgender experience more generally. When speaking with non-transgender people, highlight our inclusion and communicate and hopefully correct any ideas they may already have about people who have sex with transgender people.
Press the adult sites you use
If you advertise your sexual services online, you probably use websites that have categories or tags dedicated to female escorts’ sex. These could be labeled porn categories, awards for performers with the most video views but no category, or escort directories with search features that allow customers to search only for female escorts’ sex. The way these sites treat female escorts’ sex can have a significant impact on our income and visibility.
Rather than ignoring these issues that don’t directly affect you, be vocal and call out these issues on the adult websites you use. Complain to the sites themselves on social media and use your presence to reinforce your demands as someone who brings revenue and traffic to the sites. Complaining in a group is likely more successful, so encourage other female escorts in your area to do the same. Some agencies and studios don’t accept sex with women on their websites at all. You can show solidarity by boycotting or pressuring them to change their policy. If you can afford to turn down offers from groups or companies, we encourage you to look for alternatives and be clear about why you did so.
Help women get noticed
Use your platform to share sex ads with women and tailor them to your audience’s interests, just as you would with any other user. Randomly sharing sex links or clips won’t help you, as it won’t always get your content to the right audience. Therefore, you must think carefully about who you share with and how. If you are a woman with a primarily heterosexual male customer base, it makes sense to share women instead of men, for example.